Monday, August 02, 2010

Being Real Part One.....Risk taking Generation

I started to get real over the past couple of years. I found the old ways of being Christian boring. There seemed to be alot of rules within the Christian culture that made living dry and dull and that made no sense, and that had no real scripture backup. These sort of rules started makes us into a boring group to be around. The people once called christian became uncool.

Westerns christians for me have a real bad attiude about the world in general.

We tend to call everything



Not of God...

But this point "not of God" made no sense to me.

When do we decide what is of God?

Is it wrong for me to bang my head to Musical talents and hard and loud sounds of Iron Maiden?

Is it wrong for me to Ink myself with the Art work of amazing Tattoists?

Is it wrong for me chill with friends over a Cold pint of Guinness....were by the way talks of theology and Christianity always seem to spourt up...

Is it wrong for me to consume a nice spicy hot curry and quench the burning with a Ice Cold bottle of Samuel Adams?

This way of thinking also lead me to start thinking about the old traditions of western christianity and wonder if they even apply to me, a generation who doesnt want to stand in shadows of the old ways of thinking and doing Christianity.

To be honest i just want a Christianity that is real and that i can be be honest...the unsaved peeps dont really take us seriously..because we are not real....

I want to live for God..

I want to Love God...

I want to do Church....

I actually feel that Church could be done anywhere....we could have local pubs on a sunday turned into a small communtiy of people gathering to hear the word and take part in a small waorship gathering.

I also believe that Western Christianity has blew out the flame in alot of the younger generation of Christians. There is a generation of Young Christians that want to be free from the bondage of Church rule and they actually just want to be free to witness to their friends the way they beleive God is calling them to.....

To be free and real is to actually go out and be radical and to take risks.

Am i talking about a Rebellion?

Maybe i am....Could we actually get free from the denomation of Church and get back to Risk taking Church that it was once before..

Can the new generation be the Risk taking Church that we have been waiting and praying for?

Lets hope so....because i want to be part of that......