Tuesday, March 23, 2010

A new Job and a New Start.

I am so looking forward to starting my new job....i am still going to be working as a car valeter, but it will be for a different place all together.

The boss is a christian...and i love what he has told me...

he explained to me his dreams for the valet center... and i am looking forward to being apart of this team.

I pray God will use me for his glory....that i will work hard...and work as a bibical Christian within this valet center...

It will be good to leave the place i am already in....as it has been a spiritual and mental and emotional rollercoaster.....

I felt always drained spiritually when within it...and it was starting to afect my faith....

so i prayed to God to lead me...and that his will be done in my life....and now this venture has come along...so i jumped right at it.....

please pray God will use me for kingdom......

please pray my temper will go away....

please pray for me to be a witness along with my new boss....

i hope this Job is the place i work until Christs Coming.....


Thursday, March 18, 2010

Why do christians keep holding to their old politics?

It makes me sad living in this country.

There is alot of Christians that cannot let go of their old politics.

Im talking more to the protestants here........

I read facebook and the comments that brothers and sisters leave up.....and it isnt nice what they say at all...like facebook is a very public place....and we are susposed to be Gods witnesses here on this planet....

but what sort reflection are some making when they splatter facebook and even the news with hatered towards the catholic community......

they have every right to live and say what they like.....

but the biggy.......they can get saved to!!

these so called protestant christians make christianity a selective faith....

it isnt!!!!

anyone can come to salvation through Jesus.....

i wish these christians would stop treating people outside the church like second class citizens......

i wish they would let go of their tradition IT ISNT FROM THE BIBLE.....

Your are pharisees!!!!

Darkness has NO PLACE IN THE CHURCH.....

Love you neighbours and your Foes

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

The Starbucks Experience

I for one love coffee....

I love its texture...

I love to watch people make it, grading the beans, and turning it into one amazing experience...

I love the smell of coffee...

But my favourite thing is sitting with a bunch of christian friends and openly talking about God and his Word and how it is impacting our lives and the lives of people around us.

For me the best place for this, is always Starbucks....

It has a chilled  out feeling everytime i am there.

The Music in the back ground is always intresting......Jazz, blues etc.....

I love gettting myself a Grande Cappuccino with a extra shot...and cream....with a choco topping.....umm i just love it...

Christian friends+Coffee+Starbucks+Theology=Church

This is a great Video....it shows me where my money goes....enjoy

Thursday, March 11, 2010

Encourgaging Sermon by Francis Chan

Now and again i like to post a video that will build you up in your walk with Jesus and the family that we are part of.

So here is Francis Chan......God bless and Peace be with you

Tuesday, March 09, 2010

frightening stuff

I have been working out on the forecourt lately....enjoying the weather...my work seems to have a awesome view of the country side.....makes me feel at piece...even though work at the moment has been a complete drag...but i have been trying to remember to keep calm and also to be humble...

part of me is also worrying about myself....see the past couple of months i have been having a strange thing happen to me while im sleeping....i would wake up...not able to move my mouth...but my body is taking a fit...it would usually happen once then i would stop and i fall back to sleep..the following day i would be shattered....but on sunday night..early monday morning it happened four times from what i recall...and man it hurt like hell....cant seem to shake the sore head lol...

frightening stuff....

but i will see the doc on thursday and i pray to God my father that we will get to the bottom of it....

i know people will i hope they dont find anything...but i sort of hope they do...because then I will know what the heck is wrong with me....so i can get it sorted....


this is in Gods hands and also i know he will decide where my life is meant to go next....

all for his glory

Sunday, March 07, 2010

You gotta to read this book.....


You have got to read this book......

Forgotten God by Francis Chan....

It will help you apply Scriptures and the Holy Spirit into your lives....

What ever you do....speak at youth Groups....work in your job and attend school....work in the mission field.....

always let the spirit work through you...and ask God to bless you with the spirit....

please read it....

For it is not you who speak, but the Spirit of your Father speaking through you.

(Mat 10:20)
click the widget on the left for more info....are the link above for the website....
God Bless

Saturday, March 06, 2010

my reflections on my first time leading a talk

Tonight was my first time a got to actually give a talk at a youth club.

The kids were young and i had a talk written out that was acutally written for teenagers..

But i was able to make it more understandable for the kids....

i also learned this week to rely on the Spirit of God, i learned that leading a talk. is first off for God not for me...also for the second reason it is to bring forth the kingdom of God and the message of Salvation through Christ Jesus.

i also have been learning to be humble....

i did mess up the odd time tonight...i got some words jumbled around....but at least the creative salvation story that the spirit put in my heart got put out there...

i watched their eyes light up when i mentioned Jesus in it......

those who read this and who i explained this salvation story to this week, will understand what i mean....

i pray next time i will stick to the notes more....but that i will also remember the spirit of God will sometimes shift things to suit himself....

i pray God might use me again.....

Monday, March 01, 2010

Spring time....Spiritual Rebirth

Was thinking about Spring time today while in work.

I thought how everyhting from trees to birds have a sort of rebirth experience.

The trees sprout new leaves and new fruit.

Birds lay eggs and span new chicks which later on in their life do the very same thing at the same time of year.

I thought how i might connect this experience with us Christians.

Sometimes we tend to fall away from the path God was leading us on, and we start to do our own things.

We sometimes read other peoples books and points of view on how chirstianity should be lived and ran each day.

But we forget that we are meant to be in a full time realtionship with the Creator.

So we end up turning our backs on God.

So what i purpose is this....

Makes this new Spring of 2010 a New Rebirth between God and You......be Reborn into Gods Family, like those chicks that are born into a family, which later on grow, mature and restart the whole process of live and rebirth over and over again....

Time to have a Spirtual Rebirth with the Creator...Your Father