Wednesday, December 09, 2009

Lets Love the UnChurched with a Universal Love as Christ has a Universal Love.

For a time long christians have made Jesus into a fashion idol or a private club where a select view can join.

Shane Claibourne spoke in a intresting article called "What If Jesus Meant All That Stuff?"

He spoke about how christians have a twisted view of Christ.

And that he asks for forgiveness for the attuides of the churched generation.

Dan Kimball in his book "They like Jesus but not the Church" he talks about the UnChurched generation, and how they Love the Person Jesus but they hate the Church and the way WE get on.

I can agree fully with the UnChurched views, because i think just like them.

I love what Jesus did for people

I love the Compassion he had for Samaritans and for the Gentiles and even the Jews!

It was Equal....It was a Universal Love...a Universal Forgivness..

The Church has been busy pushing their legalistic ideas on people who dont even understand what the heck most off it is about.

Bible Versions

I know their all part of the bible, well not really clothing and bible versions.

But Jesus when he came to the earth came to set us free from all this.

And i believe the church has gone full circle again, we have become pharisees.

The Unchurched dont want to be churched because the church is messed up!

We force Hell down their throats all the time.

Dont do this because you will go to hell.

Dont touch this because it will make you unclean and then make you sin.

Jesus doesnt want us to fear all that we come across, and in turn he doesnt want us to put the fear off hell into peoples lives.

That is why i cant stand Street preachers....on that soap box with signs everywhere, TURN OR BURN!

It is just plain Fear Mongering!

This isnt the way we are susposed to witness...

We are to Witness by our very lives....

Like Jesus

Live as Jesus

Practice like Jesus

Read like Jesus

Pray Like Jesus

Love like Jesus loved, because Jesus is love.

And by his love he died and set us free from sin.

And by his Love we can come to his Father, and dwell in his Temple.

Should we force our beliefs on the UnChurched.....NO!

WE Embrace in Love and show them the Real Jesus and the Real Church....The Kingdom of God

Lets bring the Kingdom down to Earth....With Love, Respect and Compassion for the UnChurched.

Sorry for my Ranting but Come on....We need to wake up

Here is a Great link below


nugget said...

Sometimes we need someone to rant. Thank you.

Anonymous said...

Hey Robert, thanks for 'following' my blog! I hope you enjoy it. I saw Shane at Catalyst this year. He have a very good, though controversial talk.

Feel free to join the conversation anytime. Happy blogging!