Saturday, December 12, 2009

my God what is it that you want me to do for you? where is my life going?

I need to better grasp the word of God and my realtionship with God...i enjoy being a member of this extended family, being a christian is amazing, but it is not easy...there is so many different theologys out there that it blows my mind....i read the word of God for myself to understand this Faith in Christ for myself...i love my church and i love to work with the Unchurched, it is exciting!! Christ is central to my life and sharing his Love with all is my goal...The Gospel is to be spoken to all, and all need the Salvation, i Pray God will use me for his Will and Purpose to lead others to Salvation through Chirst Jesus.

I am reading alot about Church Planting at the moment

And i am praying for God to lead through the Door, and that Door is the purpose for my life, and that purpose is for Gods Glory of him.

I dont know what he wants me to do.

But i am Praying for him to humble me
Also to teach me compassion, Self Control etc

But i need to understand his word....because my understandings of Doctrine and theology is out of wack!

It is all up in the air....i just need to put my hands up in the air and grab hold of it and not let go....

my God what is it that you want me to do for you? where is my life going?

Help me understand

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