Monday, November 23, 2009

A Journey Of A Emergent Heart Part 3


As a follower of God, i have been trying to grasp this idea that God has already predestined my life, i have been trying to work about in my small mind how God would choose some to become Christian and others to be destined for hell. For me it sounded extremely Wrong and twisted, that God would choose anyone for hell! It really hits me as favourtism....

I always believed that we had the choice to follow God, that God loves the whole world. When Jesus came to the earth his mission was very clear, he was here to set the whole free from their sins, he even give people the free will to choose him our choose the rich man who wanted to follow him but he wouldnt give up his money and follow Jesus.

Our the two crooks on the cross next to Jesus, one says if your truly the son of God get off the cross, the other one turns and says that Jesus is innoccent, and they are guilty, he asks Jesus to remember him in paradise, and Jesus says today you will be in Paradise with me.

There is alot of storys for free will....Adam and Eve in the garden, they have the choice to not eat of the fruit or to eat of it, as the storys goes Eve eats and then gives it ot adam, he could have said NO but he said YES i will eat...and well the rest is history....

Jonah....God asks him to go to Nineveh, but as we know he doesnt do what God asks and he ends up in the belly of the Whale, then he ends up in Nineveh after all...

Now that one is intresting....We could say he used his Free-will and choose not to go to Nineveh to share the Gospel, he disobeyed God, God punished him...when Jonah was Repentive in the whale, we could say God took pity or we could say God already knew what was going to happen, you could say God Predestined Jonahs Future...We could Say God Predestined Nineveh to receive the Gospel...Jonah needed to be Humbled!

Rom 8:30 And those whom he predestined he also called, and those whom he called he also justified, and those whom he justified he also glorified.

A wise friend once said to me.....That there is both "FREE-WILL and PREDESTINATION"

Eph 1:11 In Christ we were also chosen when we were predestined according to the purpose of the one who does everything according to the intention of his will,

We have the Will to Choose God and Salvation

But God has already Written our Storys.....We just got to Choose the path....

I will have to pray about this more and seek advice on this one...i am really intrested in this idea...


Welcome to the Cross Roads


nugg33 said...

Rob Bell demonstrated this in one of his DVDs. Either everything is Spiritual or the God's Aren't Angry. Can't remember. Anyhow. He used the idea of a tube. When it is standing upright and you look at it straight on it looks like a rectangle. When you place it horizontally though it looks like a circle. You can't fit a square into a circle or vice versa but they are the same object. It helped me understand that maybe Predestination and free will can exist together. They somehow work out to be intricately connected but very different.

Lol still a bit of a mind blower. Will try and find it and watch it to make sure I got that right

Robert Nesbitt said...

I believe it is the everything is spiritual dvd bro.....thank you for the comment