Monday, March 01, 2010

Spring time....Spiritual Rebirth

Was thinking about Spring time today while in work.

I thought how everyhting from trees to birds have a sort of rebirth experience.

The trees sprout new leaves and new fruit.

Birds lay eggs and span new chicks which later on in their life do the very same thing at the same time of year.

I thought how i might connect this experience with us Christians.

Sometimes we tend to fall away from the path God was leading us on, and we start to do our own things.

We sometimes read other peoples books and points of view on how chirstianity should be lived and ran each day.

But we forget that we are meant to be in a full time realtionship with the Creator.

So we end up turning our backs on God.

So what i purpose is this....

Makes this new Spring of 2010 a New Rebirth between God and Reborn into Gods Family, like those chicks that are born into a family, which later on grow, mature and restart the whole process of live and rebirth over and over again....

Time to have a Spirtual Rebirth with the Creator...Your Father

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