Wednesday, February 03, 2010

The Christian coming out of the closet/The Reinterpretation of the Bible??

I laughed when i typed up my title for this blog post, i thought it would be funny but also catchy,plus serious.

(i love the church i am in , thank the is a Gospel Centered and Cross Focused....with a Heart for the Lost and growth of the God bless them...and may God use them...this blog isnt aimed at you....but if any of you dont agree with me...please pull me into the office and explain to me your points...i am very open to listening to you....because i love you....)

I just see alot of ministers and churches say that they take the Bible literally..the whole thing...well that is bull for starters.....if so they would be doing everything from the old testament.....are cutting their hands off when they sin....ha literal my bum!!

look not everything in the bible is to be taken literally...

there is some say that we should practice the Jewish holidays......Why?? im not Jewish...

Peter tired that with the gentiles and Paul give him a good telling off for it.....

every Pastor has their understanding of the Bible....and so do many Christians....God speaks to people differently through the what one person might recieve from the word could be different for someone else..

the bible is open to different interpretations

but we need to be careful not to stray away from the truth of the gospel..some have done that and made cults....and God forbides that sort of act....he forbides adding and taking away of the his words....

so becareful not to do that...ask God for wisdom...and also ask God to humble you when you read his word.....

i believe the bible is open for reinterpretation

not everything should be taken too literally....

So for the Christian Coming out of the Closet.....God bless your Journey on the Forgotten path

1 comment:

Susannah said...

I certainly don't see the ministers who take the Bible literally throwing out their poly-cotton sheets!
There is a rule in Leviticus forbidden the use of mixed fibres in fabrics.
I doubt that even orthodox Jews obey that one.