Thursday, October 22, 2009

Contemplative Practices PT 1 - Centering Prayer

This is for those who want to learning to focus on God through prayer, and it is for those who really really find it hard to find that quiet place within their lives. Not all christians will like this, and i will probably get bad vibes about it from leadership, but i believe if your giving God all the glory through this, and that it helps you grow spritiually strong, well God bless it.

Here is a quote from

"Centering Prayer is a method of silent prayer that prepares us to receive the gift of contemplative prayer, prayer in which we experience God's presence within us, closer than breathing, closer than thinking, closer than consciousness itself. This method of prayer is both a relationship with God and a discipline to foster that relationship.
Centering Prayer is not meant to replace other kinds of prayer. Rather, it adds depth of meaning to all prayer and facilitates the movement from more active modes of prayer — verbal, mental or affective prayer — into a receptive prayer of resting in God. Centering Prayer emphasizes prayer as a personal relationship with God and as a movement beyond conversation with Christ to communion with Him.
The source of Centering Prayer, as in all methods leading to contemplative prayer, is the Indwelling Trinity: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. The focus of Centering Prayer is the deepening of our relationship with the living Christ. The effects of Centering Prayer are ecclesial, as the prayer tends to build communities of faith and bond the members together in mutual friendship and love."

This should give a outline as to what it is about.....

Check out the website...

Also post your thoughts on my facebook about how your Spiritual Journey is progressing

Post either on my blog page on facebook our my group page

God bless you

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Teachable and Unteachable Churches

Before i start into my next blog i want to start with a quote from the Brian McLaren book im reading, i will being this alot more while writing more blogs.

Tell me what you like and dont like about it, and also if it means anything to you.

"When any sector of the church stops learning, God simply overflows the structers that are in the way and works outside them with those willing to learn. As the old hymn says, God's truth keeps marching on. God can't be contained by the structers that claim to serve him but often try to mangae and control him.
But then, as soon as the center of gravity shifts and those within the structures are ready to learn again, the Holy Spirit is there, ready to move to the next lesson in the ongoing educational process called history. Again and again through history, although we want to create "right people" and "wrong people" columns into which groups are sorted. God flips the script and sees two rows that cut across both columns: the "proud and unteachable people" row on top and the "humble and teachable people" row on the bottom. Grace flows downward, Scripture tells us, in both columns."

My thoughts on this -
These couple of paragraphs got my mind working in overtime which is pretty darn good for my mind as it is usually is in sleep mode most of the time, but i look at the church today and wee have become very one mind in our thinking and translating of the Word.

There is alot of people who want to learn in church, including me, but we feel that what we are being taught is not teaching us the truth!

Are the truth of the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

And the ways to grow spirtually strong, through ways of Contemplative Prayer.

The Modern Church is growing, i see that with the church that i am in, Richhill Presbyterian. The numbers of people is amazing, well in the mornings anyway.

But sometime it would be awesome to ask these people......Way do you come? What are you expecting to see and hear and do? Are you a Believer and Follower?

And if they answer no for the last one! You could go deeper and find out why not?

They might hate the Rules and Tradition......which i could foresee as a great chat with them..cuase i can agree with them..

ok on to my next quote -

" I find this delightful, because it tells the traditionalists that their tradition doesn't protect them from losing their way, and it tells the revoultionaries that their zeal and courage don't provide guarantees either. It calls everyone to humility and teachability,and invites everyone to climb up to a higher altitude and look for the larger pattern of God for which God constantly works-the common good.
And this, of course, is essential to finding our way. Practices are not for know-it-alls. Practices are for those who feel the need for change, growth, development, learning. Practices are for disciples. We could say that rituals are practices of learners, and ritualism is the continuation of the practice by people who have stopped learning. Similary, we could say that traditions are the heritage of a community of learners, and traditionalism is the continuation of the heritage by people who have stopped learning."

My thoughts -

I wonder if the church in Northern Ireland will ever see past their traditions and open the doors instead of having strict ideas on what you should and should not wear to church, or the ideas on what you should drink and should not drink (im talking about beer, wine etc).

There is alot of people out there in the vast crazyness of life looking to learn more about God, prayer, bible, followship, growth, peace, faith etc.....

But is the chruch ready to move forward?

one more last quote for tonight -

"The life-and-death question for each of our churchs and denominations may boil down to this: are we a club for the elite who pretend to have arrived or a school for disciples who are still on the way?
What might happen if we experienced a conversion so that our churches became learning communities, schools of Christian practice, bands of disciple once again? How much are we willing to let go of, to let change, in order for us to leave our comfortable status quo and find our way again?"

MY last few words -

May God helps our Churches become a place of learning, a place of practice and a band of Disicples wanting to learn about God.
May we stop being a strict sect following man-made agendas....may we follow Gods Sons Mission plan...

Mat 28:19 Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit,
Mat 28:20 teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you. And behold, I am with you always, to the end of the age."



all quotes from Brain Mclarens book Finding our way again....

bible quotes from the esv bible

Monday, October 19, 2009

Contemplative Practices Privately and as a Community

I have been lately thinking about practicing Contemplative Practices.

I read that Jesus sometimes would go somewhere peaceful to reflect and to talk with his Father.

I would love to find somewhere peaceful to reflect and talk with God, but sometimes it is very hard.

So now im looking at practices that would possibly help with spiritual discipline and growth.
Also the idea of a communal practices looks intresting.

In Brian McLarens Book (Finding Our Way Again - The return of the ancient practice) he goes into depththe different spiritual practices.

here is a back ground look at what the book is about -

Shines a practical light on the spiritual disciplines that have been in use since the time of Abraham. In a sense, every day of our lives is labor. It is questionable if you can ever be exactly the same person waking up on two consecutive days. How are spiritual sojourners to cope with the constant change? Many are beginning to explore the ancient Christian spiritual practices that have been in use for centuries, everything from fixed-hour prayer to fasting to sincere observance of the Sabbath. What is causing this hunger for deeper spirituality?

Brian McLaren guides us on this quest for an explanation of these spiritual practices, many of which go all the way back to Abraham and the establishment of Israel. In the midst of contemporary Christianity, we discover the beauty of these ancient disciplines and the transformation through Christ that each can provide.

Why have certain spiritual disciplines been in use for centuries and why is it important?
It is questionable if one can ever be exactly the same person waking up on two consecutive days. How are spiritual sojourners to cope with the constant change? Many are beginning to explore the ancient Christian spiritual practices, such as fixed-hour prayer, fasting and sincere observance of the Sabbath. What is causing this hunger for deeper spirituality?

Brian McLaren guides us on this quest for an explanation of these spiritual practices, many of which go all the way back to Abraham and the establishment of Israel. In the midst of contemporary Christianity, we discover the beauty of these disciplines and the transformation through Christ that each can provide.

Ok back to me again, i have alot of times thought how could i find a quiet place to focus on God?
I come home from work, i try to chill out for a while before i write down my thoughts which i was thinking about while in work.

I get think about Gods love for me and the ways he has blessed me, and how i can seek him and thank him with my all my mind and spirit.

Though finding that space of Peace is not easy.

technology is always around you, family is always around you, cars wizzing passed the house, the noise of the city and the housing estate.

sometimes you wanna join a monastery...go into the catacombs....light a candle and get down on both knees and cry out to God.


i am about to quote Brain Mclaren again from his book....alot of people dont like his stuff, but i am not them...i think his stuff really makes sense as i actually think like is the quote...


If the quiet place of prayer-a closet or study, a bench in a garden, a narrow path through a forest,a cup of coffee and an open journal and Bible at the kitchen table-could represent the contemplatice practices, the meeting of the gathered community can symbolize the communal practices, whether we imagine a monastery, a country chapel, a great catherdal, or a informal faith communitymeeting in a home or pub.
As people gather for what is popularly called the "worship service" or "going to church," they are engaging-usually without realizing it-in the via communitiva.If spritiaul practices are actions within our power that help us become the kinds of people who can do thingscurrently beyond our power, then "going to church" means gathering for communal practices, engaging in a kind of group workout, if you will.In so doing, the community that carries on a way of life and it pracices calles people together weekly or seasonally or annually to reaffirm their commitment and practice being a community.
Ok this brings me onto another thing groing through my mind lately...i would love to be able to do these spiritual practices with a community which would be open to practices them.

Alot of Modern Church Groups detaste the idea of spiritual practices, like fasting, meditation, feasting, contemplative prayer etc....

but i will continue this another day....

i will makes this topic into a couple of parts...i will look at community next time

Thursday, October 15, 2009

a Free thinking Christian

Something Brian Mclaren said in the book (Finding our way again, the return of the ancient practice) jumped out at me, i will quote it now.

"Sometimes the church has tried to codify or institutionalize the way: attend the required Sunday and hoilday services, participate in the expected rituals or programs, dont't dispute with church teaching authority, and all will be well."

Here is my own thoughts on this.

I lately havent liked the way the church is being ran.

We have ministers telling you that their understanding of the bible is right way, or their idea of spiritual practices are the correct way to get with God!

or go to this meeting and it will help you (not saying it wont) or read the bible for a certain period of time and you will be a better christian.

I think the church has forgotten the meaning of being like Chirst!

We tend to bible bash other chirstians with "Our" beliefs, instead of having a broader mindset of the Bible.

I was brought up through four different denominations.

So i have seen the Word Of God through those glasses, and they all seem good but i still dont agree.

I am very much a independent, free thinking, free talking, lover of God.

God bless
With the Love of Jesus


Thursday, October 08, 2009

Lately i have been feeling restless.

I find it hard to explain.

I was on a Mission trip back in July, i was over in Philly.

I spent alot of time in community with other Christians, eatting, praying, singing, reading, sleeping, washing and serving God in a School.

We ran a Hoilday Club for two weeks, we taught the kids about the Kingdom of God.

We played games, we sang, we eat, we laughed, we cryed, we prayed.
I miss all that!

I miss being in the Kingdom of God!

Mission Work has become a part time experience!

Some say when your at home that is your mission field?

Not for me! That is my Hell!

Im home, work is boring, Church life is not church life!

What do i mean? Church life is not church life?

Well, Church is work! another means to pass the time and roll on the weekend.

Its sad that i actually do mean this! I am not going to lie.

I have had enough of Church.

I love my Ministers, but i dont love the Traditions, it aint biblical.

But we can talk about that another time.

Back to why i am Restless.

The Experience of Philly was something amazing, it was the most happy time in my life. I just felt so closeto God. I really truly believed i was living the bible when i was there. For me i felt like a Monk! No jokei really thought i was one of those early Monk dudes, living and breathing Gods love.

I see now what Shane Cailbourne talks about living as the Christ Jesus Lived. Living part of the Kingdom.

The modern day christian has for me forgotten its roots!

We talk bible, but we just dont live it!

We talk Jesus, but we just act like him!

We talk forgiveness, but we dont forgive!

We go and break bread and drink of the cup, but we dont remember why!

It has become Tradition!

Sunday comes, up and eat breakfast and wash.

We put on our jeans and t-shirt and shoes.

We go to church, sing, listen to the preacher, pray then come home and eat, then repeat that evening!

What is it all about?

It is just a routine!

It is a boring Routine!


Are we meant to actually go into the pubs, clubs, street corners, coffee houses?

Are we meant to actually bring the church to the broken, the forgotten, the poor, the hurting?

Are we meant to be LIKE JESUS?

I am tinkling all over right now typing this...

I have been wanting to type this for a long time....

I have become RESTLESS of CHURCH!

God forgives us for making you Church into a den of crooks! teach us to go into the World and Church the World.

May we the body of Christ go into the pubs, clubs, the street corners.

May we not Grow Restless

May we grow Spiritually Strong For Gods Name Sake!

Teach Us Father