Last Night i was out to a thing Called Crown Jesus. It is a Annual Prayer event held in Lisburn. There was couple of hundred Christians Praying for Reveal in Our country. The speaker was telling us about the Drug taking in the youth and the Drinking and smoking and Sucides. He said this year and last, was the highest it has ever been in years.
He also spoke about not letting yourself worry about what is happing in todays surroundings. God spoke through the Speaker to me last night, telling me not to worry about things that is happeing in my work, which i know is breaking the law. See my boss is not giving me the right pay and hoildays and tax. So he is breaking the law and i also lose over this and he benefits out cause he makes more money.
I got really angry over this. God told me not to Worry about it, he said he will look after me and keep me safe. The law will tkae care of it, but i will have to inform them of this, and make sure i get back what is mine and Gods.
Rmemeber this, God will take care of you. He will help you and Mend you when your sick. Keep Praising him every day.
Bless him and God bless you all
berty nesbitt
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