Friday, July 30, 2010

Anne Rice quits Christianity.....but we shouldnt!!

I have been thinking about what Anne Rice said about quitting Christianity, and i wondered have i ever thought this way before, and the answer is yes. I wasnt for turning away from Jesus, for me it was to rebel agaisnt Christians and who they actually are...

Here is what Anne said: For those who care, and I understand if you don’t: Today I quit being a Christian. I’m out. I remain committed to Christ as always but not to being “Christian” or to being part of Christianity. It’s simply impossible for me to “belong” to this quarrelsome, hostile, disputatious, and deservedly infamous group. For ten years, I’ve tried. I’ve failed. I’m an outsider. My conscience will allow nothing else.

She is right in what she says about us being quarrelsome and hostile. If we are truly honest, we are judgmental. We are busy judging someone for their mistakes, instead of trying to help that person with love and respect, see the error of their ways. 

She goes on to say this: As I said below, I quit being a Christian. I’m out. In the name of Christ, I refuse to be anti-gay. I refuse to be anti-feminst. I refuse to be anti-artificial birth control. I refuse to be anti-Democrat. I refuse to be anti-secular humanist. I refuse to be anti-science. I refuse to be anti-life. In the name of Christ, I quit Christianity and being Christian. Amen.

We are all flawed, we are all imperfect...but are still human..full of sin...but by the grace of God we are forgiven....

But i can see way she wants to leave Christianity....but for me i want to stand by my brothers and sisters, because someone needs to pray for them and with them so they can correct themselves.

We got along road to walk before the Church is ever healed of the damages caused by us....

But with the Help of God and his Loving Word we can succeed.....but we have to want to change!!

There is so many splits within the church, and it Breaks God's Heart....

If i have one to say to Anne is this....Trust in God to change his people....

Christ does not quit on us

for more info check out here page on facebook!/annericefanpage?ref=ts

Monday, July 26, 2010

Life's Gotcha" moment....A must read part of Jesus Manifesto

I thought for todays write up for my blog i would post something from the book Jesus Manifesto that i read and found really intresting.

I say one thing go out and buy it, it is really inspiring to read. It makes you fall more and more in love with Jesus.

It also makes you think about the beauty and majesty of Christ our King.

Enjoy and remember to pick up a copy from Amazon....


In faith, there is a "gotcha" moment, when Jesus gets you for life. The gotcha moment may take millions of minutes or just one. But when Jesus gets you for life, you begin to live out of Jesus-love. When we present ourselves as "living offereings" to Christ, suddenly questions of what to do and what not to do take on a whole new meaning. Once we are truly sharing our lives with Christ and learning to live His love, then truly Charitas Christi urget nos: "The love of Christ constrains us".
It is not the commandments and the laws that control our behavior. It is the presence of the indwelling Christ and Jesus-love that bothrestrains and releases us. A relational Christ ethic is why Paul said Christians don't have sex with prositiues. Since Christ is living His resurrected life in and through you, would you want Jesus to share that purchase of lust with you? Would Jesus treat any woman like a purchase? The commandements are paper handcuffs compared to Jesus' love strands. It is "the love of Christ" that impels, compels, and propels us--a love that is so captivating we become free to do it love, with love, for love.
Of the millions of words dicated by the gifted Latin-speaking Christian Augustine, bishop of Hippo (354-430), these are perhaps the most important but also the most misread: Dilige, et quod vis fac, "Love God, and do what you will." If you love God, or love another, the one thing you cannot do is what you will, for love bends the will. To live in God's love is not license for hedonism, but liberty for sacrifical living where we're all working off the same brief, which reads, " As i have loved you, so you must love one another" and Greater love has no one than this, that he lay down his life for his friends."
To live the "incarnate life" is to do little large. God does little large. That is the story of the incarnation, and that is the metanarrative of the Bible. At the heart of orthodoxy and paradoxy: the paradpx of the littlest revealing the largest and the finite revealing the infinite. The incarnation is both once-and-for-all and ongoing, as the One who "was and who is to come" now is, and lives His resurrection life in and through us. An "already now" participates in the "still not yet."

Thursday, July 22, 2010

Regeneration Church

I have been chatting to a friend of mine who runs a christian radio station here in Ireland, we had such an amazing chat.

The big topic that came up was about the organic church or the house church groups that have started to make it pretty big around the UK.

I love the idea of church planting, but one thing this friend made me realise was this "do we really want to start another church group, do we really want to take people out from within the churches that they are already part of?"

do we really want to split the church up anymore?

i said no.....

he then asked me what do you think needs to happen?

I said we need to send a teaching pastor and leaders into those dying churches and plant a new seed within it and Regenerate the body that is already there. We need to bring the heart of the gospel and the saving grace of Christ back into it.

But from my experience we need to hit tradition on the head...because the old ways of doing church in Ireland is full of man-made laws and dogma which has no place in Kingdom work of Christ...

There is a younger generation growing up that i call the Un-Churched....

They have been brought up with Religious hate and war...Catholic verses Protestants....

We need to get past this so we can move forward.

Regeneration of the dying churches is a way forward...

There is churches here in Ireland that are growing....spiritually and also by member's...we need to teach these member 's to grow and mature through the Word of someday they can possibly work within these churches...

We need leaders who are rooted in the word...and who are willing to take a step to birth a new generation of Christian's.

Out with the Old ways and in with the New ways.....back to the Gospel...back to Jesus Christ....out with man-made laws...back in With Christ.....

Regeneration of the Church

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

God is in Control

One thing i'm learning is this......God is in Control

I'm looking for a new job at the moment due to the one that i am in is coming to an end.

I have grown tired with the Car business...and i feel restless and burnt out spiritually...

When i was on the mission trip to amercia i felt a real joy and peace when i was working with the kids.

I believe God is in control of my life so i know that everything that has happened is by his will.

But there is a select view that keeps making a fuss over nothing, trying to make me worry about work and money.

So this is what i say....shut up.....making a brother stumble in his faith is wrong and unbibical....

God controls my life....

I just pray that i could go back into the ministry.....

Monday, July 12, 2010

New Rob bell Video

Hi folks i just wanted to post up Rob bells new video here..

I hope you enjoy it and are blessed peace

Rob Bell: Resurrection

Wednesday, July 07, 2010

A prayer...... a Plea....My heart crys out

You know the way some people suffer from home sickness?

well i think im like that right now.....but mine isnt home sickness....mine is Kingdom missing the whole experience of being with other christians working 27/4 for 2-3weeks together with the kids of West-Philly.

I have a craving of returning.......i loved working with kids in that sort of is is brings a joy into your heart, that you have done right by God have taught the kids about Jesus' love for them...and you showed them that love, by being with them, playing games, talking to them and hugging them while they cry....

O how i love to be in that place full-time...i love to give up my car and my job and just work within the Kingdom forever.....thats were i feel happy...i dont feel happy within my job....i try to...but!! my heart just breaks for the kids of philly....

God put me back on the plane to Philly...this is my prayer....use me there......this is my plea.....My heart crys out.......amen

Tuesday, July 06, 2010

God loves West Philly

Well what can i say, another two weeks is over and so is the mission trip to West Philly Spruce Hill Christian School.

What a Awesome time we had....

The Kids were amazing, God was moving...we had over 200 children it was bigger than last year.....

33 Northern Irish folks went over and worked with around 30 american folks.....

The team was by far the best i have worked with....we worked as a christian community and there was unity between us all.

It was also a hard time....the weather was hot and we got hit by a freak storm...but heck that didnt stop us...we fought on and preachered and taught the gospel to the kids....

we had amazing trips for the kids.....there was messy games...there was music...and great skits.....

bible buddys was awesome...i got to lead my own bible group..andi fell in love with them all.

But i fell in love with one kid called Israel....he made a big impact in my life...and i wont forget him...he was shy, scarred, lonely and he had a story to tell about his life...he is around 8 years old....his dad left the he has no father figure....after two weeks i became that father figure...i shared so much love with....and well it is even hard now to type this....because my heart is broken...i wish i never left....because i want to keep helping him....

so i have written him a letter...and will post it off soon......he give me a card that he made me...i will not let that go....miss you buddy....

i miss philly so heart is always with that city and the kids of it.....God is moving there folks....

so many church plants going on....camden and around the city area....pray for philly so souls would be saved.....pray also that Jesus will move the hearts of the other churchs to work together there for the people of west philly....

God bless Philly....

Love you all..
