Monday, May 10, 2010

end time talk is very depressing!!

I find end time teachers very depressing, all they ever talk about is the future and how the world is going to end.

They are always looking for the anti-christ and putting other christians down when they dont teach end time theology in the church.

but who really cares anymore?

we know Jesus is coming why worry?

look Jesus didnt create us so we can worry about tomorrow...he wants us to focus on the now...

the world is depressing enough without some doom and gloom preacher freaking the life out of people.

God will save people when God is good and ready....we just have to work the fields and become more like Jesus.

alot of people know me..and one thing they can tell is this....robert was caught up in End time theology when i was younger...

i found it actually a stumbling block to my are to busy looking for signs and antichrists....but you dont see the signs that someone needs the love and compassion of God.

i find it sad millions of Gods money is wasted on stupid endtime movies and books...when we already know the truth....

stop depressing people.....and start building people up for Gods Kingdom.

Monday, May 03, 2010

6 weeks

i cant believe it is only six more weeks and im off to America again.

I will be working in West Philly in a place called Spurce Hill.

I was there last year, i was part of a team who ran a hoilday camp within a school...we taught the Kids about the Kingdom of wearing one of the t-shirts as i type this lol.....

The kids are amazing..i love the lot of them...and i look forward to reconnecting with them all again, and also i look forward to meeting new kids and sharing the Gosple and the Love of Jesus with them....

Praying that God will get all the glory...and that we will see lives changed and restored.....

The count down has started......the N-Irish are returning!!